
Showing posts from March, 2018

Five Ways Steam Rooms Help Improve Sleep

Lack of sleep seriously impacts health in negative ways. If you’re having trouble getting your 7-9 hours per night, maybe it’s time you turned up the steam heat. We are in the midst of a national sleep crisis. Our distracted, 24/7 lifestyles are keeping us from shutting down long enough to restore our bodies and minds through recuperative rest. Not only are we not performing at our best from lack of sleep, we’re risking our overall physical and mental wellness. The sleep-deprived have plenty of company. According to research by the National Sleep Foundation, 35% of Americans say that their sleep quality is insufficient or “poor” on a regular basis, and a snap study found that 45% of Americans admitted that they suffered from inadequate sleep at least once in a typical one-week period. Here are some of the other ways that steam therapy can contribute to better sleep. 1) Stress relief This is where it all begins. Stress and its attendant effects do a number on multip

Installing a Steam Room in your own House

Installing a Steam Room in your own Home -  Visit: -

What you need to know before you start your bathroom renovation?

Whether your choices involve style or functionality, many of the decisions you make when renovating a bathroom can not only be costly to change but have a knock-on effect. Here’s what you need to know before you take the plunge. 1. Set a budget Costs can spiral in this room and you need to be clear and firm about just how much you can spend on one space. Working within a budget helps to make decisions, not only about fixtures and fittings but the many and varied labor costs involved, from tiling and plumbing to waterproofing and specialty trades. Be sure to add a little extra for unexpected problems. 2. Don’t overcapitalize Consider the value of your property before you extend your budget beyond it’s worth, particularly if you are planning to sell the property in the foreseeable future. Ensure your outlay can be recouped down the line. 3. Moving fixtures add to your costs If the layout works well and you’re just after a cosmetic upgrade, you can make significant sa